Tagged: natural


Foot Odor Remedy

Foot Odor Remedy 2 cups (500 ml) vinegar If foot odor has you down, try spritzing your feet with a dose of full strength vinegar every night for a few weeks. The vinegar will...


PMS Bloating Remedy

PMS Bloating Remedy If you ever suffer from premenstrual bloating each month, enlist this three-step plan to help beat the bloat: Beginning in the second half of your menstrual cycle, make celery part of...


Lovely Lemon Laundry Soap

Lovely Lemon Laundry Soap 1 cup (240 ml) liquid castile soap 1/4 cup (60 ml) aloe vera juice 1/4 cup (60 ml) white vinegar 1/2 cup (475 ml) water 10 to 15 drops lemon...


Natural Ant Control

Natural Ant Control Recipe Dried peppermint, cayenne, and borax help to deter ants. 1/4 cup (7.5g) dried peppermint leaves 1/4 cup (35g) powdered cayenne 1/4 cup (30g) borax Mix the ingredients together; and sprinkle...