Tagged: dry skin


After Winter Pickup

After Winter Pickup Natural Remedy After Shave Recipe After-Winter Pickup Shaving Cream peppermint leaves Steam the face with peppermint.(Add peppermint leaves to boiling water and make a towel tent over your head to trap...


Honey Water Astringents

Honey Water Astringents Honey Water Astringents (i) 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons coriander seed 2 tablespoons nutmeg 1 tablespoon cloves 4 tablespoons grated lemon peel 8 tablespoons alcohol 4 tablespoons rose water 4 tablespoons...


About Astringents

About Astringents Astringent lotion is used to tone the skin and is necessary to remove the last traces of grease and closed pores. Never choose a harsh astringent lotion. Astringent is applied to the...


Starchy Bath

Natural Starchy Bath 5 tablespoons of laundry starch a teaspoon of glycerine A few tablespoons of laundry starch and a teaspoon of glycerine added to bath water leave your skin feeling beautifully smooth, tight...